Cyclops Marine
Cyclops Marine is a technology business led by innovators that have developed load sensors for use in the sailing environment. The Cyclops Marine is home of smarttune and smartlink, a new generation of wireless load sensors created by some of the leading brains from Cambridge University, in tandem with sailors, to produce accurate, repeatable, and meaningful data. Set to become the industry standard, the Smart range, enables sailors to set their boat up for optimum performance time after time. Easy to install, the range provides real-time data that is simple to understand. The Smart range is sold through a global distribution network.
Cyclops Marine Ltd
A2 G005,
Cody Technology Park,
Old Ively Road,
GU14 0LX
T:+44 (0) 7585 059631
W: cyclopsmarine.com
E: info@cyclopsmarine.com
News feed
- Digital Direct Load Pins from Cyclops Marine - New technology from Cyclops Marine has led to the most accurate, reliable androbust custom load pins available. ...read more
- 20 tonne precision wireless load sensing technology from Cyclops Marine - Cyclops Marine is the newest name garnering attention in the sailing technology and innovation field. Until now their focus has been on smaller boats, developing technology in partnership with INEOS… ...read more